Duane's little web log

Just some space where I can rant and express myself, and share come cool links!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

New surreality:

I'm at the gas station, my car's filling up and I'm selecting some Chinese food. A guy walks in and says: Can I get another $1.55 on pump 2 please? I'm thinking to myself "$1.55 is not a much gas. He must have been digging the change out of the seat to get $1.55" Then I go outside and see what he's driving. It's a HUGE white pickup truck. $1.55 of gas would last about 5 minutes in this thing. As I'm getting in my car, I see he's putting his $1.55 of gas in a 1 gallon container on the ground. NOW I get it.

On the drive in to work, there's this HUGE red pickup truck in the mirror behind me. I can tell from 1/2 a mile away that it's highly polished and someone's pride and joy. The license plate: "I HUNG 2" Riiiiight. Sure you are buddy.

Shortly after I'm on the San Mateo bridge and I'm passed by a dark gray Mini Cooper S with black stripes. I waved as he blew by me. How fast was I going? Let's just say he had to be going 90 - 95. It made me smile to see that other people drive faster than I do in their Minis.
posted by Duane  # 2:24 PM


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